Amanda Mallory - Teacher

Hi, I'm Amanda Malloy. I'm in my fifth teaching year with IH, and a very happy five years it's been! It's been wonderful to be part of a school that's faced all kinds of difficulties and obstacles in that time with a progressive, logical approach. Prior to joining IH I taught English, speed reading and  mind mapping in the UK, as well as  teaching personal resilience to staff in public services. 

 I've lived in Portugal for a little over 9 years in a village set atop of some beautiful rolling hills surrounded by forest with a view of the sea on a good day. Ideal! My hobbies include music (I'm a flautist), hiking, art and crochet. I've crocheted blankets, shawls, hats and scarves for the old (and not so old!) people in the villages around me. I've also been involved in local art projects such as yarn bombing our local town, designing and decorating a Christmas tree, and raising money for a dog rescue centre. 


Stella Martins - Teacher


Katty da Silva - Teacher